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  • 楽しく婚姻制度をフォーマットする方法



『1122 いいふうふ』のような物語を見ていると、現代の結婚という制度自体が、ある種の「安心を買うための契約」になり下がっているように感じます。愛だの信頼だのという大義名分は掲げていても、実態は「安全地帯の確保」や「面倒くさい家事や育児のアウトソーシング」にすぎないんじゃないかと。結婚がかつてのように神聖視されなくなり、ただの生活インフラになった現代において、物語の中で描かれる「浮気公認の夫婦」なんて、もう現実社会の縮図そのものです。

そもそも、物語の設定にある「浮気公認」って、本当の意味での自由ではなく、ただの現状維持のための妥協の産物でしょう? 「お互いに干渉しないからこそ関係が成り立つ」なんて、結婚してる意味がどこにあるのか。あえて結婚という形式を維持しながら、実質的には「ただの同居人」を演じ続けるその様は、滑稽と言わざるを得ません。経済的に依存しつつ、性や愛の満足は外部で求めるというのは、もはや「夫婦ごっこ」を続けることで得られる安心感を享受しているだけの話です。











そして、別れた後、二人はどうなるのか? 結局、最初から「自立」を選ばなかった彼らは、また似たような関係を探し始めるか、あるいは、結婚生活で得た「生活の便利さ」に依存しない新しいパートナーを求めるかもしれません。しかし、ここで皮肉なのは、どんな形であれ、彼らが「共同生活の利便性」を手放すことができない限り、また同じパターンの繰り返しに陥る可能性が高いということです。





1. 「定期メンテナンスのすすめ」

2. 「デート・プロジェクトマネジメント」

3. 「褒め殺し戦略」
長く一緒にいると、ついつい相手の欠点ばかりが目につくもの。そこで、敢えて「褒め殺し」戦略を導入しましょう。少しでも良い点を見つけたら大げさに褒める! 例えば、「今日のゴミ出し、完璧だったね!あの角度で袋を置くの、最高!」とか、「洗濯物の畳み方、いつもより0.5%キレイだったよ!」と、あまり意味のないことでさえ称賛するのです。この戦略の狙いは、相手を照れさせつつも、「少なくともまだ気にかけてくれている」と思わせること。軽いアイロニーを込めつつ、日常に笑いを取り戻しましょう。

4. 「家事交換プログラム」

5. 「週一アートなバカンス」

6. 「家計でボードゲーム大会」

7. 「週末のズル休み宣言」

8. 「次の人生計画セッション」




1. 「断捨離ならぬ、断婚儀式」

2. 「婚姻再起動セレモニー」

3. 「月夜の離婚パワースポットツアー」

4. 「縁結びならぬ『縁切り神社』巡り」

5. 「コペルニクス的夫婦の軌道変更」

6. 「夫婦オークション:新たな価値を見つけよう」

7. 「お別れパーティー with ケーキカット」

8. 「離婚占い:タロットで運命を決める」

9. 「結婚アプリで再度マッチング」

10. 「宇宙エネルギーでリセット:カップル瞑想リトリート」




1. 「離婚式」という新しい儀式の概念を定義する

2. 「離婚式」市場の創出とニッチなターゲティング

3. 「離婚式」を包括するサービスのパッケージ化

4. 「離婚式」ブランドの確立とマーケティング戦略

5. 「離婚式」の特許と知的財産戦略

6. フランチャイズモデルの展開

7. グローバル展開と文化的適応

8. データとフィードバックに基づく改善

9. ポジティブな「離婚」文化の浸透と社会的影響


How to Format the Marriage System in a Fun Way

When I watch stories like “1122: A Good Couple”, I can’t help but feel that the institution of modern marriage has been reduced to a kind of “contract for buying security.” Even though ideals like love and trust are often displayed, the reality seems to boil down to “securing a safe zone” or “outsourcing bothersome chores and child-rearing.” In today’s world, where marriage is no longer viewed as sacred as it once was and has become more of a lifestyle infrastructure, the portrayal of an “open marriage” in fiction is almost a mirror image of contemporary society.

The concept of “open marriage” as depicted in these stories isn’t genuine freedom; it’s simply a compromise to maintain the status quo, isn’t it? If the relationship only works because “we don’t interfere with each other,” what’s the point of being married? By intentionally preserving the formality of marriage while essentially just playing the role of “housemates,” it seems somewhat farcical. Depending on each other financially while seeking sexual and emotional satisfaction outside of the marriage is nothing more than indulging in the comfort of a “marriage charade.”

In the end, modern marriage may simply be about economic benefits and maintaining social status, making the pursuit of pure “love” in this context a potentially outdated concept. In a way, it’s like a “hybrid car of love and lifestyle,” where the highest priority is fuel efficiency (reducing mutual burdens). Whether that’s good or bad is another matter, but expecting “romantic love” seems rather foolish at this point.

In real-life marriages, too, most couples, to some degree, maintain their relationship due to “economic interdependence” or “social appearances.” The idea that they are deeply attached to each other’s personalities or sincerely wish for their partner’s happiness may only be true for a small fraction of couples. It feels closer to reality to say that instead of “being together because they love each other,” it’s more like they “pretend to love each other because it’s more rational to stay together.”

In conclusion, the marriage system seems to be a mechanism to maximize “social status” and “economic stability.” The calculation and pragmatism hidden behind the facade of marriage have become the norm in modern society. Trying to find romance in such a context may be seen as naïve or even a sweet but mistaken fantasy.

The Future of Marriage as a “Lifestyle Infrastructure”

First, if we consider a future where the concept of an “open marriage” continues, the couple in such a relationship would likely maintain a superficial peace. They would respect each other’s privacy while maintaining the public appearance of a married couple. In other words, they would project an image of a “successful relationship” and continue to play the role of the “ideal couple” in front of family and friends. However, behind the scenes, they would establish a lifestyle where they maintain only the minimum necessary communication and spend their free time with “lovers” or on hobbies.

However, such a relationship will inevitably reach a “breaking point” at some stage. For example, one partner might fall into a “serious love affair.” Even in an open relationship, human emotions are rarely simple. If someone develops strong feelings for a particular individual, the rule of “non-interference” that governs the relationship might collapse in an instant.

And one day, one partner may suddenly feel, “There’s no point in this relationship anymore.” This is because, ultimately, humans often find mere “convenient relationships” insufficient. At the beginning of a story, the freedom of an “open marriage” might appear attractive, but over time, this very freedom might lead to a sense of emptiness or loneliness. As a result, they will likely face the fundamental question, “What is it that I truly desire?”

At this stage, it’s likely the couple will either “seriously confront each other” or become “completely indifferent.” If they choose to confront each other, it could mark a new phase of reconstructing the relationship, but realistically, the path leading to the end of the relationship might seem more natural. This is because, for a couple who have prioritized “convenience” over a long period, re-establishing emotional connections is often challenging.

Even if the couple manages to uphold their “open marriage” agreement until the end, the conclusion may come in the form of “emotional indifference.” Each partner would then see the other as merely a “cohabitant,” and ultimately, one of them would likely suggest “divorce.” The reason for this would probably be a desire for “a more authentic way of living” or “more personal time”—an inclination towards self-fulfillment. In a sense, a relationship founded on “vague compromise” from the beginning may also end on equally vague terms.

After separating, what would become of the two individuals? Having initially avoided full independence, they might either start searching for a similar relationship again or seek a new partner who does not depend on the “convenience of a married life.” Ironically, however, unless they can let go of the “convenience of cohabitation,” they are likely to fall into the same patterns.

In short, what they seek is not genuine “freedom” or “love” but merely a relationship that secures “efficient living” and “social stability” with a touch of “excitement.” So even if they find a “new convenient relationship,” it will inevitably carry similar issues.

As a conclusion, their future may involve either building a new “lifestyle infrastructure” with a “new housemate” or abandoning partnerships entirely to pursue a life alone. In either case, they are likely to choose a path that prioritizes “pragmatic stability” over fundamental solutions. In that sense, modern marriages might be destined to continually play the game of “calculated love.”


Suggestions for Reviving “Marriage as a Life Infrastructure” with Wit, Humor, and a Touch of Irony

To those who are continuing “marriage as a life infrastructure,” let me offer some “solutions” filled with wit, humor, and a hint of irony.

“The Case for Regular Maintenance”
Just like any system, “regular maintenance” is essential for a well-functioning infrastructure, and the same goes for marriage. Once a month, hold a “maintenance meeting” where both partners create a “work improvement list” summarizing their grievances and requests. The key point is that after the meeting, always wrap it up with an “appreciation gathering”—a luxurious dinner or a favorite dessert! This is your strategy for “sweetening the bitter medicine.” Laughter and a good meal will make it easier to digest some complaints.

“Date Project Management”
When life infrastructure becomes more solid, the spark of romance tends to fade. That’s why it’s important to regularly plan “Date Projects.” Take turns being the “Date Manager,” each responsible for creating fresh and exciting experiences. Of course, the goal is to emphasize “cost-performance,” competing to make fun and memorable moments on a small budget. After each date, hold a “Date Review” to find areas for improvement for the next outing.

“The Compliment Kill Strategy”
After being together for a long time, it’s easy to notice only each other’s flaws. So, let’s introduce the “Compliment Kill” strategy. Find even the smallest positive detail and exaggerate your praise! For example, say things like, “The way you took out the trash today was perfect! The angle you placed the bag at was top-notch!” or “The way you folded the laundry was 0.5% better than usual!” Even meaningless things should be praised. The aim is to make your partner blush while reminding them that “you still care about the little things.” A little irony mixed in will bring humor back into daily life.

“Chore Swap Program”
To maintain marriage as a life infrastructure, household chores are essential. I suggest implementing a “Chore Swap Program” once a month. Each partner takes on the other’s usual chores for one week— the cook takes over laundry, the one who usually cleans does the shopping, etc. This allows you to experience each other’s challenges and may lead to the discovery that, “Actually, you’re better at this task than I am.” If a partner fails at their assigned chores, there’s a “penalty” — buying each other small gifts as punishment.

“Weekly Art Vacation”
Inject some artistic stimulation into your routine life! Once a week, try something new together, even if it’s a theme neither of you is interested in. For example, visit a “nonsensical modern art exhibit,” or “force yourself to join in your partner’s hobbies.” The goal here is to share a “bizarre experience” that leads to shared laughter. This little escape from daily life will help bring some fun into your relationship.

“Board Game Budgeting”
Inject some humor into the core of marriage—the finances! Hold a “Board Game Style Budget Meeting” once a month to make managing your household budget feel more like a game. For instance, turn your budget tracking into a Monopoly-style game and compete to see who can spend wisely, or turn saving strategies into a game for an upcoming trip or major purchase. The winner gets a “Special Request Privilege,” such as deciding the location for your next date, adding a little enjoyment to the process.

“Weekend Cheat Day Declaration”
One of the easiest things to forget in a practical marriage is “rest.” That’s why, once a month, designate a “Cheat Day” for both partners. On this day, you abandon all housework and simply relax to your heart’s content. You can spend the day doing absolutely nothing together, or each partner can enjoy their own leisure activities. Just be sure that neither partner criticizes the other for taking a break. This strategy helps expand your “tolerance” and allows for important relaxation.

“Next Life Plan Session”
Sometimes, a “planned change” in your relationship can serve as a solution. Once a year, perhaps near the end of the year, sit down together to discuss how you want to spend the next five years. Talk about travel, hobbies, moving, and even “shifting to a new lifestyle.” The goal of this session is to keep the relationship from becoming monotonous by constantly searching for something new. Essentially, you make long-term plans while sharing the excitement of “new possibilities.”

In the end, the key to a successful solution is adding a little bit of “useless playfulness” into the “efficient life.” This can help preserve the freshness in the relationship and restore an “emotional connection” that isn’t just about calculation. What modern marriages need are a little “mischief” and “detached calm.” By doing so, you might be able to build a relationship that transcends “marriage as life infrastructure” just a little bit!


Including the radical option of “divorce,” let me offer some acrobatic, outrageous, and laugh-inducing proposals. With a touch of spirituality, let’s take an approach that transcends reality just a little.

“Decluttering Ritual, or the ‘Divorce Ritual'”
Just as “decluttering” became a trend, let’s propose a new lifestyle: “divorce.” This involves performing an “temporary divorce” ritual once a year, where you live independently for a set period. During this time, you cut all contact with your partner and fully enjoy your freedom. After one month, discuss whether to “renew the contract” or to formally divorce. The goal of this ritual is to experience firsthand the importance of your partnership by realizing “how much you miss it” once it’s gone. This is essentially a “spiritual decluttering” experience! Through this, you will identify what is truly necessary in your life.

“Marriage Reboot Ceremony”
Just as a computer system refreshes when it’s rebooted, a relationship also needs a “reset.” Prepare a divorce petition and conduct a “reboot ceremony.” On this special day, both partners sign the petition and then decide whether to tear it up or submit it. This psychological “life and rebirth” process allows the relationship to restart from zero. What happens after hitting the “reboot button” is known only to the universe. This is the ultimate couple reset, only for the brave.

“Full Moon Divorce Power Spot Tour”
A spiritual tour to celebrate divorce. On a full moon night, the couple climbs a mountain known for its power spots and performs a ritual to “offer the negative energies of their marriage to the moon.” Whether they decide to divorce or renew their vows is left to the guidance of the moonlight. The key here is to view divorce as “a new beginning” and embrace it positively. Through this spiritual experience, you lighten the burdens of the past and prepare for the next stage. Participants receive a “Moonlight Badge!”

“The ‘Breaking Bonds’ Shrine Tour” Instead of ‘Matchmaking Shrines'”
While many visit shrines for matchmaking, here’s a different idea: take a tour of “Divorce Shrines” and perform rituals to release past emotional baggage. The couple visits various divorce shrines around the country and conducts ceremonies at each to cleanse their relationship. The key is not to view the break-up negatively, but to see it as preparation to welcome new connections. After the tour, enjoy a “thank you party” with a lavish dinner to celebrate the new journey ahead.

“Copernican Shift in Couple Dynamics”
Just as Copernicus revolutionized the idea that the Earth revolves around the Sun, we can revolutionize the couple dynamic by placing a “new sun” at the center of the relationship. This could be a “new common goal” or a “shared project that combines both partners’ hobbies.” If it’s impossible to find one, perhaps the couple can consider pursuing such a project with someone else, thus re-evaluating their relationship with their current partner. This will help both partners rediscover what they truly want from each other.

“Couple’s Auction: Finding New Value”
This method is a bit quirky but also carries some spiritual elements. In a “couple’s auction,” each partner presents a sentimental item from their home, and the other bids on it to claim ownership. The goal is to symbolically measure the value of things based on money and release their emotional energy. After the auction, each person takes home what they won and performs a spiritual release of the item’s energy. Through this, both partners can physically and mentally cleanse their past.

“Goodbye Party with Cake Cutting”
If divorce seems unavoidable, why not host a “goodbye party”? Invite friends and family, and have a “cake cutting” ceremony just like at a wedding. The cake would have objects symbolizing their past together, and cutting it together marks the symbolic “goodbye, thank you for everything.” The goal of this party is to celebrate divorce as a positive event, lifting the emotional burden of the past while celebrating the new start in life.

“Divorce Fortune-Telling: Let Tarot Decide Your Fate”
For those who want to consider divorce in a more spiritual way, why not let “Tarot fortune-telling” determine the fate of the marriage? Both partners seriously draw cards, and based on the results, decide the direction of their relationship. If cards like “Death” or “The Tower” come up, it could signal the right time to divorce. Conversely, cards like “The Sun” or “The Lovers” might suggest that the relationship is worth further effort. Relying on the tarot might surprisingly offer a calm and rational decision.

“Match Again on a Marriage App”
If both partners are ready to explore new connections, why not try matching again on a marriage app? Create anonymous profiles and try to match as if you’re looking for a new partner. If by some miracle, the two match again, it could be a sign of “fate” and worth pursuing. If not, consider it a sign to move on and start searching for new partnerships.

“Reset with Cosmic Energy: Couples’ Meditation Retreat”
Finally, the ultimate spiritual solution: “Feel the energy of the universe” by attending a one-week couples’ meditation retreat. Located in a remote mountain area or a beach resort, spend hours meditating together daily to reset the energy of your relationship. The goal of this retreat is to completely cleanse the relationship’s energy and discover a future vision together. If by the end of the retreat, both partners feel nothing, this can be taken as a signal to part ways and have the courage to move forward on separate paths.

These proposals might seem out of this world, but none of them are impossible. Sometimes, a radical shift in perspective is the key to breaking through the monotony of a relationship.


Creating the “Divorce Ceremony”

Defining the Concept of a “Divorce Ceremony” The first step is to clearly define what a “Divorce Ceremony” is. Similar to a wedding, a divorce ceremony should be treated as a significant life event that not only celebrates the “end” but also symbolizes a “new beginning.” A divorce ceremony goes beyond just the formal dissolution of the relationship; it is a ceremony to share “gratitude for the past and hope for the future,” spreading the idea across society. The key point is to shift the cultural perspective of divorce from something negative to a life reset and a departure to a new stage.

Creating a Market for “Divorce Ceremonies” and Niche Targeting While divorce is a personal event, it is statistically on the rise. This can be viewed as an “untapped demand” to target. Marketing efforts can focus on specific groups such as career-oriented couples in urban areas or “reset couples” after their children become independent. Additionally, plans can be offered for those looking to rebrand their lives following a divorce, targeting niche markets with tailored campaigns.

Packaging Services for the “Divorce Ceremony” Just like a wedding, a “Divorce Ceremony” can be offered as a packaged service. Specific offerings can include:

Ceremony Venues: Providing luxurious hotels, resorts, or unique locations, similar to wedding venues.
Planning Services: Developing a team of divorce ceremony planners who can provide advice on the best performances and ceremonies.
Ceremony Design: Offering designs based on special themes like “Liberation Ceremony,” “New Beginnings,” or “Bonds of Friendship.”
Parties and Events: Offering entertainment such as music, performances, and games to celebrate the divorce.
Spiritual Support: Providing options such as psychological counseling or spiritual retreats as part of the ceremony.
Post-Divorce Care: Offering life coaching, remarriage support, and guides for single living as services for the new phase of life.
Establishing a Brand and Marketing Strategy for “Divorce Ceremonies” To establish the “Divorce Ceremony” concept in society, building a strong brand is key. Strategies could include:

Brand Identity: Creating a positive, hope-filled brand logo and catchphrases, such as “A New Step Forward” or “The Ceremony of Freedom and Rebirth.”
Reaching the Target Audience: Using social media, influencers, and blogs to share positive divorce stories, thereby communicating the appeal of a “Divorce Ceremony.” Emphasizing exposure on visual platforms like YouTube and Instagram.
Hosting Events and Fairs: Organizing divorce-themed events or exhibitions to allow people to experience the concept of a “Divorce Ceremony” first-hand, and running special promotions to increase awareness.
Patents and Intellectual Property Strategy for “Divorce Ceremonies” While patenting the “Divorce Ceremony” concept itself might be difficult, certain unique processes or services could be patented or trademarked. Possible approaches include:

Service Patents: Patent unique processes such as a “specific ceremony format for divorce” or “special planning methods including psychological counseling.”
Trademark Registration: Registering specific ceremony brand names or catchphrases as trademarks to protect the uniqueness of the brand.
Copyright Protection: Protecting related materials such as guidebooks, planner materials, and special music or video content under copyright.
Franchise Model Expansion After achieving a certain market share, the business could expand through franchising. Establishing “Divorce Ceremony” venues and planning offices in various cities, partnering with local businesses to expand nationwide and globally. Key points include:

Franchise Contracts: Signing license agreements with local partners who meet quality standards, maintaining a unified brand image and service quality.
Region-Specific Services: Offering customized “Divorce Ceremonies” that reflect local cultural values, creating targeted marketing efforts based on regional characteristics.
Support System: Providing training programs, manuals, and marketing support to help franchisees succeed in their business.
Global Expansion and Cultural Adaptation To make “Divorce Ceremonies” a global trend, a flexible approach that respects cultural diversity is needed. Strategies could include:

Cultural Customization: Tailoring “Divorce Ceremony” formats to fit each country’s religious and cultural values. For example, in the West, it may be a “party-style ceremony,” in East Asia, a “quiet ritual,” and in the Middle East, a “family-centered celebration.”
Global Marketing Strategy: Customizing social media campaigns for each country, developing ads and promotions suited to each target audience. Collaborating with celebrities and influencers to boost awareness of “Divorce Ceremonies.”
Partnership with Local Businesses: Collaborating with local partners to support franchise expansion in each country while ensuring the global brand maintains a consistent image.
Improvements Based on Data and Feedback Business growth requires continual improvement through customer feedback and data. Collecting surveys and reviews from couples who have experienced a “Divorce Ceremony” will help improve service quality. Additionally, providing an easy-to-use online booking system and counseling appointment features on a digital platform will enhance the customer experience.

Spreading a Positive “Divorce” Culture and Its Social Impact As the concept of the “Divorce Ceremony” spreads, it will help normalize divorce and reduce the stigma around it. This will make it easier for individuals to start over and lighten the psychological burden of ending a marriage.