
有限会社 芳美商事























老婆の行為は、ただの奇妙な動作に過ぎないのだろうか? それとも、彼女の心の奥深くに潜んだ歪み、修正不可能なものが現れているのだろうか? 彼はその答えを見つけることができず、ただ車内の風景を眺める。












そして、彼はふと思う。この日常の中に潜む「悪」とは何だろうと。それは、外から見ればただの「異音」としてしか認識されないのかもしれない。だが、その音が織りなすリズムの中には、かすかな「病」が隠れていて、そしてそれが「罪」として表れるのだろうか? 彼の心の中で、その波は静かに揺れ続けていた。
























Whispers of the Folded Paper


On a daytime train, a man sat in the middle of an empty priority seat. To his left, an elderly woman slept quietly, her breathing soft and steady. To his right, another elderly woman sat with a small plastic bag at her feet. At first, the man didn’t pay much attention to the soft, intermittent sounds coming from her. But as he focused, he realized she was taking out small squares of origami paper from the bag, folding them carefully, creasing them at the diagonals, and reducing them to a quarter of their size, one by one.


The repetitive sound of the folding was oddly soothing, yet it felt strange. Intrigued, the man watched the woman intently, feeling an unease building inside him, as if he were witnessing something private—perhaps something he shouldn’t be seeing. He became aware of another pair of eyes watching him. An older man, seated across from him, had been staring at him steadily, his gaze unyielding.


The man’s heart skipped a beat. Had the older man noticed him observing the woman? Or was there something more to this interaction? The man could not tell, but he felt a creeping discomfort, as if he had been caught peering into a private moment.


As the train neared his stop, the man’s thoughts lingered on the folding of the paper. The woman’s actions, once seen as merely peculiar, now seemed to carry a deeper, more personal meaning. The sound of the paper being folded was no longer just a noise; it was a quiet, desperate ritual—a way for the woman to hold on to something in the midst of the chaos of her mind.


The man felt the weight of his own thoughts. Was it possible that what he had perceived as a strange, almost unsettling behavior was actually a manifestation of someone’s inner struggle—a kind of “disease” or “sickness” of the mind, trying to heal itself through repetition and routine? His mind wandered into the territory of sin, guilt, and illness, wondering if there was a connection between these concepts. Was the woman’s strange behavior a symptom of an emotional or psychological ailment? And what of the older man’s gaze? Was it a gaze of judgment or understanding?


In that moment, the man realized that his initial discomfort—the sense that he was witnessing something “wrong”—was in itself a reflection of his own inability to understand suffering and pain in others. The very nature of sin, he thought, might not lie in the actions themselves, but in the way they were judged, misunderstood, and isolated.


As the train reached his stop, the man stood up, but not before he caught the older man’s gaze one last time. This time, the man saw something different in the older man’s eyes—there was no judgment, no condemnation, but instead, an understanding. It was as if the older man had witnessed the unfolding of something within the observer, something that had begun to heal itself.


The man stepped off the train, his heart lighter than it had been when he boarded. He had been granted a glimpse into the fragile, intricate dance between pain and healing, guilt and redemption. And, for the first time, he felt as though he had found a way to forgive not just others, but himself. The world outside the train station seemed brighter, clearer, and more forgiving.

